Wednesday, April 25, 2012

10 Things to Ask About My Story

  1. Do I have the right narrator?
  2. Is there inner monologue? Too much? Too little? Is it in character?
  3. Oh my world, where did all these characters come from? Do I have too many or too few minor characters?
  4. What might add more texture?  Allusions? Metaphors?
  5. What is my character's motivation? Is it enough?
  6. Is my dialogue dead? How can it be made more lively?
  7. Do I include enough trivia information?
  8. Is this scene wrong? Does it reveal things about my character? Does it advance my plot? What, if anything, does it say about my theme?
  9. Does it need a new beginning?
  10. Will letters or lyrics add interest?


  1. 11. How many questions in number 2, and number 8? ;)

  2. I may have used some creative accounting techniques.

    Of course, this is a list of 10 created by someone who convinced her Econ prof that 1+1=3.

  3. I'd love to know how...? It didn't involve alcohol and a rubber mallet did it?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry had to delete and repost. I made a silly math error because while I can do calculus, I can't add.


    1 is the integar that by definition means any number between .5 and 1.49. 3 is by definition equal to the range 2.5 to 3.49.

    Therefore, 1+1= any point between 1 and 2.98 (or by definition, 3)

    There is a fallacy in the argument. Because it is discussing the philosophy or logic of math and not the machanics.
