Several years ago, as my birthday approached, my husband searched high and low for the perfect gift. Of course, the high and low bookshelves at the local bookstore where his hunting ground.
Finally, he settled on Moon Called by Patricia Briggs. Wow, what a great gift. I immediately feel in love with Mercy, the lead character. A new favorite series was born.
This book has traveled to multiple states and Mexico with me. It has endured emergency room visits and hospital stays. The poor thing has even dwelled on the bathroom floor with me as migraines made worshipping at the porcelain goddess necessary. Yes, it is definitely the friend I call on when in need.
But, Mercy is not the character within Briggs world that I most identify with. Anna from her Alpha Omega Series fills that role. Anna rises above an abusive past. I can identify with the strength and determination needed to survive in that situation. I cheered as an alpha male rescued her and was inspired as she learned to rescue herself and others.
I am always thrilled when Briggs comes out with a new book. She is one of a handful of authors I eagerly watch for new stuff. So when Fair Game popped up on my Kindle yesterday, I happily devoured it before retiring for the night.
I don’t want to spoil the story of anyone. But I will say the ending left me curious to see how she further explores this world.
Your comment about "Moon Called" closely mirrors what I wrote in a recent post on Kelley Armstrong's forums:
I finished the book, and was quite happy with it - enough that I bought the entire series along with the "Alpha and Omega" books. Granted, each story may not engage me in the same way. But what I saw was that Briggs is a very good writer, very confident, knows how to keep momentum going and use her space well to build an entire background of her world, and doesn't play cliches with her characters.