Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Writing Emotions

Excitement radiates from me when I discuss my newest writing project. Chris, the main character, tells me her story as I dream. I never envisioned myself writing fiction, especially not a novel.

I hesitated to share my work in progress with anyone. Would they laugh at my feeble attempts? Was it a good idea poorly executed?

I cautiously began to share Chris’s story, the adventures of an orphaned nine year girl living on the streets of Afghanistan. It could have been the tale of any street child except this exceptionable girl is an American citizen.

Soon, I had a rough draft other’s showed interest in. My largest test was to send it to my father. He has always been honest about my writing efforts. If he thought it showed any promise, I would polish the story. Trembling hands sealed that first draft in an envelope and placed it in the post.

Somewhere along this path of self-discovery, my dream became a reality. People were interested in publishing Chris’s Story. But they wanted it re-written for a younger audience.

Fear and self-doubt surfaced. I have never written for children or young adults, Not only did they change the age of my audience, but they would like to explore a Hi-Lo options. High interest – Low Reading sounds like a specialized area. How do I approach this new audience?

Despite fear, self-doubt, and caution, it is excitement that constantly accompanies my thoughts and words about Chris.

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