Thursday, March 1, 2012

Share a Smile Day

Today is Share-A-Smile Day. What a nice way to start March!
In honor of this great idea, here is a list of ten things that make me smile.
  1. Walking in soft rain on a warm day.
  2. Kisses from the magnificent Bug-A-Boo, my service dog.
  3. Reading a good book in front of a fire on a cold gloomy day.
  4. Picnic dinners with my husband.
  5. The staff at 18 East, a terrific local pub.
  6. Writing for the joy of telling a story.
  7. Helping someone else.
  8. Reading a child’s first story.
  9. Peanut butter and chocolate chips on bananas
  10. Seeing friends unexpectantly.
What makes you smile?

1 comment:

  1. hmmm, my dog when he nudges my arm while typing, annoys the heck out of me but i have to pet him he's so cute! Annoying my husband before he goes to work and we end up laughing and having a ball. :) That part of a book where you MUST know what's going to happen next, even though it's time for bed :)

    Happy Smile Day! :)
